Mika Amano, a newly married woman, discovers an alien who crashed on earth. This alien named Furuu can take the shape of any article of clothing. Her husband, Dr. Shinichi Amano, works at a small clinic and discovers an intresting side effect to a new experimental drug.
Mika Amano, a newly married woman, discovers an alien who crashed on earth. This alien named Furuu can take the shape of any article of clothing. Her husband, Dr. Shinichi Amano, works at a small clinic and discovers an intresting side effect to a new experimental drug.
Karen and Mizuki are magical Utea girls who protect the world from evil aliens. How do they go about doing that? By letting the beasts fuck their brains out of course!
Karen and Mizuki are magical Utea girls who protect the world from evil aliens. How do they go about doing that? By letting the beasts fuck their brains out of course!