Animation Studio Show ten has announced a hentai anime adaptation of the manga " Rikujoubu Joshi wa Ore no Name Onavo!!!" behind the art STUDIO HUAN. Which has received several awards and more than 100 thousand downloads on retailers ' websites. The main character of hentai works as a coach of the women's track and […]
1 EpisodeQueen Bee Studio continues to screen popular manga in the form of action comics. This time, she took one of the latest works by popular author Mizuryu Kei (Oide yo! Mizuryuu Kei Land, Oide yo! Shiritsu Yarima x Rigakuen, Juvenile Pornography) under the name "Shikiyoku INFINITE". The release is scheduled for August 2020. The women […]
1 EpisodeGirls (with dicks) Gone Wild: Idol Edition - Part II. Your favorite futanari singing idols are back. And this time, they're all about pleasing their male fans. At least that's what the manager has in mind when he grabs their balls and tells the crowd to fuck them up the ass after the show. No […]
1 Episode2012
In the near future, mankind is on the brink of extinction owing to a drastic decline in the birth rate of males. To counter the declining overall birth rate, the country has introduced a new law and the Free Sex Licence. Yes, you heard that right. This licence can be presented to any woman, anytime, […]
1 Episode2012
In the near future, mankind is on the brink of extinction owing to a drastic decline in the birth rate of males. To counter the declining overall birth rate, the country has introduced a new law and the Free Sex Licence. Yes, you heard that right. This licence can be presented to any woman, anytime, […]
1 Episode2002
Carrera is a female demon whose job is to create a wish granting contract with a human being in exchange for their soul. Along with her partners/rivals Mercedes and Rati, they carry out this job for the benefit of the demon world. When Carrera is summoned by the nerdy Ogawa, she finds him to be […]
1 Episode2002
Carrera is a female demon whose job is to create a wish granting contract with a human being in exchange for their soul. Along with her partners/rivals Mercedes and Rati, they carry out this job for the benefit of the demon world. When Carrera is summoned by the nerdy Ogawa, she finds him to be […]
1 Episode2014
Based on the game by Bishop, animated by Marukami Teruaki. Professor Ishizuka Kengo is given charge of a soon to be demolished school building. He takes the opportunity to host his own special curriculum, training girls to be his sex slaves, with hardcore bondage and rape scenes that fans have come to expect from this […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.