Kuroinu is back! Studio Majin together with director Nishikawa Takashi announced the adaptation of the second part of "Kuroinu II The Animation", which will be filmed based on the game of the same name from the studio Liquid. Nishikawa Takashi is working with Majin studio for the first time and with A1C label for the […]
1 EpisodeStudio Main and director HB announced the hentai anime adaptation of "Usamimi Bouken-tan: Sekuhara Shinagawa Sekai o Sukuu" of the same name RPG video game authored by studio Loser/s. Hentai is scheduled for the end of August 2021. The plot of the classic "popadanets" - the hero gets into a mysterious fantasy world, he is […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.