Hentai "Kohaku iro no Hunter The Animation" is based on the visual novel of the same name from the Sky Rocket Studio. The release is planned by Pink pineapple Studio at the end of July 2020. The story takes place in the distant future on a secret planet somewhere in space, where an incredible source […]
1 EpisodeGold Beer Studio and its permanent Director Murakami Teruaki announced an anime adaptation of the visual novel "Yisphere, The Astroarmed Princesses ~Lewd Brainwashing~" from Pin-Point Studio, where the famous mangaka Satou Kuuki was engaged in character design. The film adaptation is scheduled for June 2020. Omega is a hostile organization that aims to train artificial […]
1 EpisodeHentai "Kohaku iro no Hunter The Animation" is based on the visual novel of the same name from the Sky Rocket Studio. The release is planned by Pink pineapple Studio at the end of July 2020. The story takes place in the distant future on a secret planet somewhere in space, where an incredible source […]
1 EpisodeGirls (with dicks) Gone Wild: Idol Edition - Part II. Your favorite futanari singing idols are back. And this time, they're all about pleasing their male fans. At least that's what the manager has in mind when he grabs their balls and tells the crowd to fuck them up the ass after the show. No […]
1 Episode2002
Carrera is a female demon whose job is to create a wish granting contract with a human being in exchange for their soul. Along with her partners/rivals Mercedes and Rati, they carry out this job for the benefit of the demon world. When Carrera is summoned by the nerdy Ogawa, she finds him to be […]
1 Episode2011
Takumi Musashino suffers from a terminal illness and agrees to try an experimental treatment which turns him into a girl, and also into a complete and utter raging slut. Watch as Takumi goes from an almost altruistic loaner of his female body to hopeless fellow male virgins to a rock bottom literal whore!
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.