An OVA based on the WAFFLE game. The story follows Ryuuto Hende, a soldier with unbelievable luck who was assigned to the province where a succubus is drying out men to death, and the local "first lady", who happens to be sexually frustrated. The H-parts show mostly a big-breasts theme and mutual love/appreciation.
1 Episode2014
A pharmaceutical student is sick of his life. He never gets laid and nobody seems to give him the time of day. He decides to use the pharmaceutical skills he has picked up at school on his own family members - by drugging and raping them until they're actually begging for his fat cock.
1 Episode2009
Lieri Bishop, an up-and-coming New Solars Commander and her aide, Major Naomi Evans board a battleship to earth to report the Neo Terrors' crimes to the Universal Federeation. The captain of the ship who is of the Neo Terrors, Donny Bogan, has had a grudge on them since four years ago when they had sabotaged […]
1 Episode2011
For the final stage of their training as demon exorcists, sisters Mikoto and Takeru visit the village of Ayagami along with Yamato. Lurking within Yamato is a demon, sealed away by Hatsune, the girls' mother. However, to truly seal away this demon requires the ultimate spirit power of the Haramiko. For Mikoto and Takeru, no […]
1 Episode2003
When the previously all-girl's school St. Arcadia begins accepting "gifted" male students, Hayami Takuro become the target of the unbridled lust consuming students and staff alike. Their eagerness knows no bounds or limits, drugging him, tricking him, fucking him into too heavy of an exhaustion to resist… It comes to the point of kidnapping and […]
1 Episode2011
The Sagemiya family is cursed in that its members are sexually aroused in the presence of another of the same bloodline. Sagemiya Misaki and her elder twin, Shun, are both disgusted over this and have sworn to resist the calling of their blood. However, Shun loses his composure and goes to their elder sister, Kagu, […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.