Takamaru is a student at the Ten Treasure Academy, living an ordinary school life, seeking romances which are constantly interfered by Shihoudou Narika (the daughter of his apartment manager). One day, he fell in love at first sight with a transfer student named Takamori Haruka. On that very night, Takamaru and Narika became pursued by […]
1 Episode2004
Yusuke has a problem - the kind of problem any guy would love to have. You see, there's this girl named Reina, who wants him to be her "private tutor"... oh, and she just happens to have gigantic breasts. Huge, massive, watermelon-sized gazongas that taste sweet and are as soft as marshmallows. So, what could […]
1 Episode2015
A popular girl in school overhears a guy talking about how her boobs are weird. She decides to confront him about this and ends up giving him a boob job to change his mind. He changes his mind. Meanwhile, Episode 2 takes us to a lovely household with two siblings doing whatever two siblings do, […]
1 Episode2015
A popular girl in school overhears a guy talking about how her boobs are weird. She decides to confront him about this and ends up giving him a boob job to change his mind. He changes his mind. Meanwhile, Episode 2 takes us to a lovely household with two siblings doing whatever two siblings do, […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.