For the final stage of their training as demon exorcists, sisters Mikoto and Takeru visit the village of Ayagami along with Yamato. Lurking within Yamato is a demon, sealed away by Hatsune, the girls' mother. However, to truly seal away this demon requires the ultimate spirit power of the Haramiko. For Mikoto and Takeru, no […]
1 Episode2011
For the final stage of their training as demon exorcists, sisters Mikoto and Takeru visit the village of Ayagami along with Yamato. Lurking within Yamato is a demon, sealed away by Hatsune, the girls' mother. However, to truly seal away this demon requires the ultimate spirit power of the Haramiko. For Mikoto and Takeru, no […]
1 Episode2013
This is the sequel to Imouto Paradise!.It’s summer vacation and Keiichi’s parents left him with his five younger sisters to go on an overseas trip. Now with their parents far out of the picture, his younger sisters are aggressively making their moves on him. Of course there’s no way he can hold back.
1 Episode2007
By chance, Fukaya became the lover of a very quiet and beautiful girl, Fujino, yet he worries about the vibrator she's always carrying. "Perhaps, she considers me no more fondly than that vibrator?" In fact, their relationship began when he found her using a vibrator aboard a crowded train. Although they have passionate sex, he […]
1 Episode2016
In an alternative universe, when Sasuke left the leaf village, the Hokage decided to put an end to this ninja dick-measuring contest and confiscated everyone's ninja stars. Fast forward a couple years, and Naruto's a mess. He got a sex change to cope with the whole "no ninja" policy. Now she's trying to move on […]
1 Episode2015
A high school student has feelings for his teacher and decides to write her a love letter. The teacher rips the letter into pieces in front of the class, humiliating him. Dejected, the boy visits the student nurse to make some sense of the situation. The nurse tries to console him by giving him some […]
1 Episode2015
A high school student has feelings for his teacher and decides to write her a love letter. The teacher rips the letter into pieces in front of the class, humiliating him. Dejected, the boy visits the student nurse to make some sense of the situation. The nurse tries to console him by giving him some […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.