Raika Ken and T-Rex have announced a hentai anime adaptation of the CGI manga "JK Fuuzoku Gakuensai" by popular author Yorokobi no Kuni aka Joy Ride (Imouto Bitch ni Shiboraretai, Ecchi na Onee-chan ni Shiboraretai). The release is scheduled for April 2021 in the form of two full OVA episodes. The main character of hentai […]
A guy gets fired from his job again. He reluctantly decides to work with a friend at a manga shop - with two lovely female co-workers. This situation just happens to play out in four different sex scenes in the first episode alone! Yep, shit happens. Good shit.
A rich girl and her maid are in a tough spot. Two armed robbers have broken into their house and are now holding them hostage. They don't want money though... they just want some love.
Yumemiru Otome – based on the manga by Aiue Oka in the year 2024. Hentai protagonist Miyama Manaka is a student at the famous Seiho Academy. She has been in a romantic relationship with Tonami-sensei for some time now. Daily sex has become the norm for her and she has become more and more attached […]