Studio Main and director HB announced the hentai anime adaptation of "Usamimi Bouken-tan: Sekuhara Shinagawa Sekai o Sukuu" of the same name RPG video game authored by studio Loser/s. Hentai is scheduled for the end of August 2021. The plot of the classic "popadanets" - the hero gets into a mysterious fantasy world, he is […]
Queen Bee Studio continues to screen popular manga in the form of action comics. This time, she took one of the latest works by popular author Mizuryu Kei (Oide yo! Mizuryuu Kei Land, Oide yo! Shiritsu Yarima x Rigakuen, Juvenile Pornography) under the name "Shikiyoku INFINITE". The release is scheduled for August 2020. The women […]
The Sagemiya family is cursed in that its members are sexually aroused in the presence of another of the same bloodline. Sagemiya Misaki and her elder twin, Shun, are both disgusted over this and have sworn to resist the calling of their blood. However, Shun loses his composure and goes to their elder sister, Kagu, […]