Haramaseya revolves around Terada Akito, a man with “super sperm” capable of impregnating any woman. Akito is hired by a sperm bank to impregnate its clients, with the first being Kumi Iijima, a woman unable to conceive due to her husband’s azoospermia. Three months after her first job, the same customer from last time, Kimi Iijima, shows […]
1 EpisodeTerada Akito found himself in an unexpected situation, to be a sperm donor. The proposition came out of the blue, and at first, he thought it was shady business. But after thinking it over, he decided to accept, but with one condition – he would only donate through sexual intercourse instead of the traditional method, […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.