Infinite Scroll:


In the realm of adult anime, a new series has emerged that has captivated audiences with its unique blend of fantasy and eroticism – “Harem Cult”. This series, based on the original work by Yoshiyuki Uba and published by Core Magazine, takes viewers on an extraordinary journey into a world filled with intrigue and desire. […]

1 Episode

Harem Cult Episode 4

“Harlem Cult 5: If Words Kill People, Part 1” Akari Hizen, who belongs to the Literature Club, had her favorite man cheated on her one month ago, but her “revenge” was accomplished by a punisher. should have been However, she was threatened by her physical education teacher Kumada due to the student council’s plot. The […]

1 Episode

Harem Cult Episode 3


1 Episode

Harem Cult Episode 1