A film adaptation of the manga series by Clone Ningen, titled " Haritsuke" The story will tell about the seduction of one girl, as usual, not without resorting to blackmail. In one school, debauchery among students has reached unprecedented heights, they have no scruples, principles and morals, are given carnal pleasures when they want, in […]
1 EpisodeHaritsuke" The story will tell about the seduction of one girl, as usual, not without resorting to blackmail. In one school, debauchery among students has reached unprecedented heights, they have no scruples, principles and morals, are given carnal pleasures when they want, in General, they take everything from life, but here a new teacher, a […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.