The highly anticipated anime sequel to DISTANCE’s original work “Joshi Luck!” is finally here, depicting a forbidden school harem life between a voluptuous, busty female student and a teacher! Four members of the lacrosse team, who barged into Mr. Kuroda’s house, find out that they all lost their virginity to Mr. Kuroda. In exchange for […]
1 EpisodeJoshi Luck! Episode 5 The highly anticipated anime sequel to DISTANCE’s original work “Joshi Luck!” is finally here, depicting a forbidden school harem life between a voluptuous, busty female student and a teacher! Four members of the lacrosse team, who barged into Mr. Kuroda’s house, find out that they all lost their virginity to Mr. […]
1 EpisodeThe original “Joshi Rak!” by DISTANCE depicts the forbidden school harem life of a teacher and a girl with big, plump, and fleshy tits. The long-awaited anime sequel has finally arrived! Sakura Shiragane is a natural girl who is not very knowledgeable about sexual matters and believes that she can have a baby with a […]
1 EpisodeThe long-awaited animated sequel to “Joshi Luck!” by DISTANCE, depicting the forbidden school harem life of a voluptuous, busty girl and her teacher, is finally here! Lacrosse team captain Kumiko Aoyama visits Kuroda’s apartment, worried about him not showing up to practice for a week due to a cold. Excited by the dense smell of […]
1 Episode09/05/2019
Kuroda Koutarou is the manager of the girl’s lacrosse team. He is inside the changing room one day by accident and the girls find him, bind him up, and force him to cum. He also loses the keys to the club’s room. He goes through everything, even the hamper in search for the key, and […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.