PinkPineapple Studios and director Pyou Ryuu (Aikagi The Animation, Aibeya The Animation) have announced a hentai anime adaptation of the romantic manga "Kimi ga Suki THE ANIMATION" by Jorori. "This is our last summer ... which we cannot forget." "My parents won't come today ..." The hentai is set in 2010. The main character June […]
1 Episode02/22/2019
It was summer when she met God.Still in her teens, Takao Sana, was wandering town at night after running away from home. Running out of money, she downloads an app called Dear Friend that is said to be where God can be found.Using the app, she ends up meeting Hachijou Kei who offers money in […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.