The story begins with a pair of young lovers, the busty Mizuho-chan, and the well endowed Hiro-kun. One night Hiro suggests that Mizuho should try swimming to get in shape. He even offers to coach her after hours at the pool where he works since she can't swim very well. Mizuho's new workout plan turns […]
1 Episode2009
The story begins with a pair of young lovers, the busty Mizuho-chan, and the well endowed Hiro-kun. One night Hiro suggests that Mizuho should try swimming to get in shape. He even offers to coach her after hours at the pool where he works since she can't swim very well. Mizuho's new workout plan turns […]
1 Episode2009
The story begins with a pair of young lovers, the busty Mizuho-chan, and the well endowed Hiro-kun. One night Hiro suggests that Mizuho should try swimming to get in shape. He even offers to coach her after hours at the pool where he works since she can't swim very well. Mizuho's new workout plan turns […]
1 Episode2009
The story begins with a pair of young lovers, the busty Mizuho-chan, and the well endowed Hiro-kun. One night Hiro suggests that Mizuho should try swimming to get in shape. He even offers to coach her after hours at the pool where he works since she can't swim very well. Mizuho's new workout plan turns […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.