The second animated installment of the blockbuster doujin action RPG “Rizinetta-san’s Adventure”!!! Busty robot girl Rizinetta buys a cheap deserted island and goes there for a vacation. The monsters lurking on the deserted island also have nice, voluptuous bodies. Whether she wins or loses, Rizinetta leads to erotic developments every time. The original anime heroine […]
1 EpisodeReginetta, who proclaims herself to be the most beautiful and intelligent robot girl, has bought an island for a mere 100,000 yen and feels very fortunate to have acquired her new property. Now she goes to her island for a vacation, but realizes that the place is infested with sensual monster girls, with whom she […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.