Touka Mizumori, a beautiful female college student who started her activities as a magical female college student Christia. However, she knew that in order to use magic, she needed emotions such as shame and pleasure in order to accumulate magical power… As a result, Touka was attacked by enemy monsters every time! Sometimes she spends […]
1 EpisodeRoshutsu-Kei Mahou Joshi Daisei Christhea is an adaptation of the original visual novel by 4H. Hentai will be released at the end of December 2022. The plot revolves around a shy girl named Touki. She is in college and dreams of making friends and a boyfriend. However, this dream did not come true. Kokoha’s cheeky […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.