So_Low ~Futago Shimai to Katei Kyoshi ~ is a new original work by Nur studio released in July 2023. The plot revolves around two anxious twin sisters Mitsuki and Kasumi, who are trying in every possible lustful way to get rid of Kodai’s tutor. The sassy little devilish twin beautiful sisters appear in the soaring […]
1 EpisodeWe definitely don’t need it, but Maybe we should do it like last time… The two whispering are the twin sisters Mitsuki and Keijun. In the living room, Moe Mama Chihiro is in a meeting with the home tutor, Koda. The two, who have been annoyed by the home tutors assigned to them one after […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.