Gold Beer Studio and its permanent Director Murakami Teruaki announced an anime adaptation of the visual novel "Yisphere, The Astroarmed Princesses ~Lewd Brainwashing~" from Pin-Point Studio, where the famous mangaka Satou Kuuki was engaged in character design. The film adaptation is scheduled for June 2020. Omega is a hostile organization that aims to train artificial […]
1 EpisodeGold Beer Studio and its permanent Director Murakami Teruaki announced an anime adaptation of the visual novel "Yisphere, The Astroarmed Princesses ~Lewd Brainwashing~" from Pin-Point Studio, where the famous mangaka Satou Kuuki was engaged in character design. The film adaptation is scheduled for June 2020. Omega is a hostile organization that aims to train artificial […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.