PinkPineapple Studio and Director Kuramori Rokurou announced a hentai anime adaptation of the manga "Toshoshitsu no Kanojo: Seiso na Kimi ga Ochiru made The Animation" by AMAM aka Ame Arare. The main character of the hentai girl is the head of the student Council named Yukihara Serizawa. She is a real idol in the Academy. […]
1 EpisodeOn October 30, bomb! CUTE! BOMB! Studio presented its new work called "Toromitsu Musume no Hito Service Torotoro Churu Churu Gohoushi Sasete Kudasai". The main character of hentai, unexpectedly for himself, falls into the "secret hot spring of sex and debauchery". He is hospitably greeted by three incredibly cute girls-Hazuki, Amane and Hina-Chan. They are […]
1 EpisodeWTF: Select the things you hate and you'll never see them again. Choose wisely.