Infinite Scroll:

Welcome to the second animated adaptation of Kyō Tanabe’s captivating tale, ‘Tsurupeta Guardian Knight Elphina Falls’! A knight’s oath is inviolable and their master’s command absolute. Witness the fall of Elphina, an elf knight, bereft of any means to maintain her dignity as an elf. *This work employs in-motion technology to recreate the unique world […]

1 Episode


Episode 1: “Koukotsu no Kishi Elfina EP.1” Elfina, the noble knight, vows to protect the princess until the end. However, the elf village falls to humans. Mordo, the leader of the humans, demands Elfina to surrender and become his personal pet. With no prior experience in intimate relationships, Elfina gradually succumbs to Mordo’s desires. つるぺた守護騎士 […]

1 Episode