T-Rex Studio and Director Raika Ken announced a large hentai anime adaptation of the manga "Ijirare ~Fukushuu Saimin~" by the popular manga Aiue Oka in the form of 4 full OVA episodes. The release is scheduled from February to March 2021. The main character of the story is an ordinary chubby Japanese pervert boy who […]
Marina and Airi's single mother has recently gotten married. Their new step-dad seems like he'll make a loving father. Like a really, really loving father.
At a certain school, an ancient dark ritual thought to have been abandoned continues courtesy of the Rinkan Club (literally Gang Rape Club). In order to appease an angry goddess's wrath, women are chosen and gang raped—but there's more! One of the men participating in the gang rape must be related to the sacrifice! Furthermore, […]
Karen and Mizuki are magical Utea girls who protect the world from evil aliens. How do they go about doing that? By letting the beasts fuck their brains out of course!