Animation Studio Show ten has announced a hentai anime adaptation of the manga " Rikujoubu Joshi wa Ore no Name Onavo!!!" behind the art STUDIO HUAN. Which has received several awards and more than 100 thousand downloads on retailers ' websites. The main character of hentai works as a coach of the women's track and […]
Lieri Bishop, an up-and-coming New Solars Commander and her aide, Major Naomi Evans board a battleship to earth to report the Neo Terrors' crimes to the Universal Federeation. The captain of the ship who is of the Neo Terrors, Donny Bogan, has had a grudge on them since four years ago when they had sabotaged […]
Carrera is a female demon whose job is to create a wish granting contract with a human being in exchange for their soul. Along with her partners/rivals Mercedes and Rati, they carry out this job for the benefit of the demon world. When Carrera is summoned by the nerdy Ogawa, she finds him to be […]