Shidokan Day After The Animation is a new work by Pink Pineapple Studio and director Kuramori Rokurou, which was released in late April 2021. Hentai is based on the manga of the same name by BANG-YOU. The main character of hentai works as a trainer Misato Kammon, whom he hates with all his heart. She […]
Chisa Kanbara, the daughter of a local shrine priest and a childhood friend of the same librarian. When I saw her mating with Satsuki, I was kidnapped and confined by Chisa, who went crazy with her jealousy…!
Starting with a lewd dream about his 5 sisters in compromising positions, our protagonist's life is about to level up! While his parents are away on a trip for a month he is assaulted by his youngest and oldest sister's sexual desires, his dream starts to become a reality...