White Bear Studio and Director Araki Hideki have announced a hentai anime adaptation of their Novella "Oujo & Onna Kishi W Dogehin Roshutsu". The release is scheduled for August 2020. Kingdom Of Elstein. . . A blooming land with a history spanning more than 1000 years. This great nation rules half the continent. An aristocrat […]
A girl of royal blood wants to sneak out of a dangerous town before she gets killed. The only problem is, she doesn't have enough cash to fund an escape or to hire a bodyguard. There's only one possible way out of this - suck dick. A whole lotta dick.
Seven years after running away from his cruel father and cutting all ties with his family, Kengo receives a desperate plea for help from his ten step-sisters. He decides to return home and help them escape from the clutches of his perverted father. But first, he needs to analyze the situation...with his dick.